Cold coco, the quintessentially Surti beverage has been THE favourite drink for everyone across age groups, be it a kid or anyone with a mop of grey hair. And when we think of the killer combination of Surtis with Coco, nothing can take over the madness that “A1-Coco” has catalyzed.
Founder and owner, Moh. Iqbal Ismailbhai Sarbatwala, started his career with a sherbet joint on the road side, way back in the year of 1964-65. He used to sell cold drinks and sherbet at 1Re. per glass. To start with their star beverage, they made 5-6 glasses of sample coco and got it tasted from their customers. After many trial and errors, loads of experiments, reassuring the quality of the raw materials and a lot of wastage, they finally came up with the taste and the texture, they serve us today. There has been no looking back ever since – guess they just nailed it. However, there were a few problems at the roadside joint. On the advise of Surat police, Mr. Sarbatwala started with a proper shop and has been a turning point in his career.
We asked him about his secret mantra to which he said, the only secret to his success is consistent and great quality. He believes that people will themselves be tempted to come if we stick to our basic taste and quality.
They start with their preparations a day prior and prepare a quantity that they are sure will get sold (management lessons anyone?). There are times, especially during festivals or on holidays, that their stuff is consumed by 11 pm or may be 10 pm sometimes, but they have consciously kept the production under check . Their busiest days being Saturday and Sunday, they hardly have time to enjoy their weekend, but for Mr. Sarbatwala, that’s the best way to unwind.
We asked him about his target audience to which he laughed with an air of nonchalance and said there is no such person who has said no to a coco. People from places like Sayan, Udhana and Varachha also belong to the regular guest list of A1-coco. Not only locals, but Surtis residing abroad also, never leave a chance to grab some coco when they are in town. He says there is a customer of his, who stays in The USA, he shall directly drive down to Surat as soon as he lands, only and only to have that delectable coco. While this may be slightly be exaggerated, we understand the spirit of it. Then there are people who get it parceled, so that they can carry it to Mumbai and Ahmedabad too.
On asking him about his business advice to young lads, he said- One should be clear in his mind what he/she wants to do, and that, (s)he must be firm about taking the business to a next level. If a person isn’t sure of the ideas, even The Creator himself can’t help that individual and all the hard-work shall go in vain. Well said- “Aim High, Think Good and Be Firm”, for nothing can stop you then. Here’s to A-1 coco and A-1 advice!! Cheers.